Phantom Friend

(My first attempt at a limerick. A limerick is a non-sense/funny poem with the rhyme pattern aabba.)

Little Lily had a mate- Grace,
They would be together any time, any place!
One day they were playing with their toy phone,
When Lily’s dad saw she was speaking to herself, all alone!
Lily called Grace a friend, her dad called it a phase.



Garland Cinquain is the most challenging form of poetry I have worked with so far. It has 5 stanzas of regular Cinquain(2-4-6-8-2) and the sixth stanza is made by taking one line from each of the 5 stanzas as if the whole poem is woven at loose ends to form a garland! I would highly recommend it and encourage anybody who would like to give it a go.

Clean and shiny,
Yet reflection shattered.
Her eyes looked steely and opaque-

Dry lips
Sadly quivered,
Cheeks stained with tears and kohl-
Worry dug into her forehead,
Her soul.

Had she ever seen
So broken an image,
Her warm and illuminating smile
Now lost.

Her search
Had been for love
Ever triumphant was she?
She’d never got what she wanted from

For her own self
She needed to redeem.
Washed her face, swore to make a new

Her soul,
Clean and shiny,
She needed to redeem.
Her warm and illuminating smile-